2016年12月21日 星期三

荷歐波諾波諾清理 --第34天--無形的筆

今天早上我在走路時,忽然感覺那支筆出現在前方,視覺上我看不到它,但是我感覺到它在前方,不斷敲著我最近正在清理 的事情的相關人物的名字。

I went to a temple to pray for a lucky pencil last weekend.
(The temple put many pencils as lucky pencils for students who are going to take entrance exams.) 


I prayed for a long time and at last the God permitted to let me have one.

I have taken the pencil everywhere I went, and I have done the cleaning whenever I had time.

 I even tried to use the pencil to clean my mind by tapping on my forehead.

This morning, one amazing thing happened.

When I was walking to work this morning, I found  the pencil jumping out of nowhere.  I could not "see" the pencil but I could "feel" it right in front of me.
 The pencil kept on tapping on my family's  names(invisible  of course).

When I was busy, the pencil would gone.  But when I was in silence, the pencil would come out again.

What a marvelous  experience!
